Finally, HoyoVerse has given us the ability to pet the cats in Genshin Impact. Here is the complete guide for the Feline Fortress Furrdyssey event in Genshin Impact.
Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Event Guide
First, let's talk about the event duration. Feline Fortress Furrdyssey runs from April 8 to 18, 2024. Players have ten days to finish the short event and claim all of its rewards.
Now, let's talk about the event basics.
Event Basics
Each section of the event consists of three parts: furniture arrangement, cat feeding, and finally cat petting.
For the furniture arrangement part of the event, players must choose fitting furniture for each section inside of the location. They must meet the Comfiness, Durability, and Aesthetics values of each location by choosing the appropriate furniture. It is important to note that the player must meet the exact required values. Going below or above the requirement is not allowed.
After the player has chosen the proper furniture, they must then feed the cat. Doing so requires either 1 Raw Poultry, 1 Raw Meat, or 1 Raw Fish. It does not matter what you feed the cat, so the player can go ahead and select whatever food item they have more of.
Finally, there's the part that every Genshin Impact player has been waiting for: cat petting. Each cat has eight locations where they can be pet: the Left Ear, the Right Ear, the Chin, the Chest, the Back, the Left and Right Paw, and the Tail. However, much like cats in real life, these cats only like to be touched in certain locations. Petting the correct location is key to getting the points needed to pass the cat petting section. Players must reach at least the Cherished status to get all the rewards. However, getting to Inseparable is very much doable.
With the basics done, let's now go into how to successfully pet each of the event's cats.
Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Snowball Guide
Day 1 sees the arrival of Snowball, a pure white cat. To prepare the furniture setup for Snowball, players must select the following furniture:
- Teatime Refreshments
- Comforting Melody
- Lunch Break
- Overflowing Bookshelf
Once these furniture are prepared, the player must then prepare the food. Right after, players can then pet Snowball. When petting Snowball, players must pet the following locations:
- Chin
- Back
- Chest
- Left Paw
- Right Paw
That means that the player must avoid petting Snowball's Ears and Tail.
Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Bunny Guide
Day 2 sees the arrival of Bunny, a gray and white cat. To prepare the furniture setup for Snowball, players must select the following furniture:
- Gilded Cradle
- Calming Blue
- Philosophy of Sitting
- Bedtime Story
Once these furniture are prepared, the player must then prepare the food. Right after, players can then pet Bunny. When petting Bunny, players must pet the following locations:
- Left Ear
- Right Ear
- Chin
- Back
- Chest
That means that the player must avoid petting Bunny's Tail, Left Paw, and Right Paw.
Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Dustball Guide
Day 3 sees the arrival of Dustball, a pure gray cat. To prepare the furniture setup for Dustball, players must select the following furniture:
- Precise and Punctual
- Outspoken and Proud
- Leisure Reading Room
- Resplendent Emerald
- Rose's Mangrove House
Once these furniture are prepared, the player must then prepare the food. Right after, players can then pet Dustball. When petting Bunny, players must pet the following locations:
- Chin
- Chest
- Tail
- Left Paw
- Right Paw
That means that the player must avoid petting Dustball's back, Left Ear, and Right Ear.
That's all the information we have right now about the currently available cats in the Feline Fortress Furrdyssey event in Genshin Impact. More details about the event can be found on the official HoyoLab post. Check out our gaming news articles for the latest in gaming news.
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