Dragon Ball Sparking Zero revives the classic Budokai Tenkaichi series with a whole new roster and gameplay mechanics. Overall, the upcoming game in the series aims to include several characters who appeared in Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Super. Fans want to know who's going to be in the game. Therefore, we created a list of all confirmed characters in Sparking Zero so far!
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Roster – All Confirmed Fighters So Far
Overall, as of March, 2024, the current list of confirmed characters for Dragon Ball Sparking Zero includes:
- Goku (Z – Early)
- Goku (Z – Mid)
- Goku (Z-End)
- Goku (Super):
- Super Saiyan God
- Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
- Gohan (Early)
- Gohan (Mid)
- Gohan (End)
- Future Gohan
- Vegeta (Z-Scouter)
- Great Ape Vegeta
- Vegeta (Z-Mid)
- Super Vegeta
- Vegeta (Z-End)
- Majin Vegeta
- Vegeta (Super)
- Super Saiyan God
- Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
- Piccolo
- Yamcha
- Tien
- Krillin
- Master Roshi
- Future Trunks (Z)
- Super Saiyan
- Super Trunks
- Future Trunks (Super)
- Nappa
- Jeice
- Burter
- Frieza
- Android 17
- Android 18
- Cell
- Broly (Super)
- Hit
- Majin Buu
- Kale
- Dyspo
- Toppo
- Jiren
- Bergamo
- Kakunsa
- Videl
- Beerus
- Whis
Overall, the game currently revealed 43 total characters so far, if we don't include transformations. For reference, DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 included the series' biggest roster with 98 playable characters (161 forms). Hopefully, Sparking Zero features a roster of similar size, and includes our favorite characters from all three series.
However, the list includes many characters not yet confirmed but likely to make an appearance. So far, we anticipate the likes of Goten, Kid Trunks, Super Buu, Kid Buu, Captain Ginyu, and so many others. Additionally, many Super characters, like Beast Gohan, Orange Piccolo, and Goku Black seem like possible additions.
Furthermore, it'd be cool to see a couple of GT characters as well, like Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Vegeta. Therefore, Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta would also be a great addition, as well as Omega and Nuova Shenron. We also assume several forms of other characters, like Imperfect Cell, or Frieza's second form, should likely make an appearance.
Lastly, we wonder if any movie villains might make their way into the game. Overall, fan beloved villains like Cooler or Janemba seem like great potential options. However, it all depends on who the developers want to prioritize. Nevertheless, the roster size looks massive from just glancing the character reveal trailer. Furthermore, we don't even know if the developers plan to launch any DLC for the game.
Regardless, we're just glad to see a new DBZ 3D Fighting Game that plays like Budokai Tenkaichi. With the recent passing of series' creator Akira Toriyama, the worlds he created live on. In fact, outside of just Dragon Ball, Sand Land, another series from Toriyama, is also getting its own video game. Furthermore, Dragon Quest 12, Flames of Fate, will likely retain the series artwork created by the legend himself.
Overall, we look forward to the release of Sparking Zero, and the full roster reveal before launch.
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